Morrie's Tomah CDJR Ford

Auto DealershipAuto Parts/Repairs
- 1200 N Superior Avenue Tomah WI 54660
- (608) 372-4121
- (800) 315-4472
- (608) 372-0264
- Send Email
- Visit us at our Website and on Facebook
Sales Hours- M & Th 8am-8pm; T, W, F 8am-6pm; Sat 8am-4pm
Driving Directions:
Next to Burger King and across the street from All American Do It Center
About Us
Tru Discount Pricing gives your our lowest price on every car, every day. We sell used vehicles and New Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep, Ford and Lincoln vehicles. Stop in and see our friendly staff.
- New and Used Vehicle Sales
- Full vehicle Service Department
- Full detail shop
- Tru Discount Pricing everyday!