Active Health Chiropractic Center
- 402 Superior Avenue Tomah WI 54660
- (608) 374-3000
- 608-374-3303
- Send Email
- Visit us at our Website and on Facebook
Mon. 9-5, Tues. and Thur. 10-6, and Wed. 8-4. Closed Fri.-Sun. (emergency # 343-3350)
Driving Directions:
one block south of the bowling alley on the same side of the street as the bowling alley
About Us
Dr. Bridget A. Owens has been delivering quality chiropractic care to Tomah area residents for over 20 years. She is very active in the Tomah community and in her profession. She is Past President of the American Business Women's Association in Tomah and also Past President of the Royal Chiropractic Knights of the Roundtable. And an active board member of the Area Community Theater and Cultural Arts Center in Tomah.
Dr. Bridget is currently pursuing her certification training in Chiropractic Wellness through the International Chiropractic Association.
- emphasizing chiropractic wellness care
- adjusting people of all ages!!
- chiropractic is health care...naturally
- accepting new patients daily
- the five most dangerous words are: maybe it will go away!!